Music has the power to heal, the power to inspire, the power to show love, and the power to bring people together, even when they have to be apart. This Valentine's Day musical program combines the talents of residents from our twin-single homes at our Delaware Run campus.
The musical group is known as "The Outsiders" and they have an interesting history. Amidst the closures and distancing of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in a dichotomy of life some were able to draw closer together while being apart. This musical group was formed during the lockdown, when for the safety of our residents and staff, Willow Brook had to close the doors of their main building, even to the residents in the surrounding twin-single homes. These residents were on the outside, hence the name "The Outsiders", and yet, they came together (safely) to build something beautiful - music.
This Valentine's Day, in the spirit of love and keeping everyone safe (due to Covid), this musical program had to be virtual. With that in mind, The Outsiders would like to welcome you to their Valentine's Day Program and they hope that you enjoy the show!