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Artistic Seniors Win 25 Awards at Art & Writing Show

Delaware, Ohio - July 3, 2019 - What busy and artistic seniors we have at our three Willow Brook communities! This year, our residents entered a record 75 pieces in the Central Region Art and Writing Show sponsored by LeadingAge Ohio, a non-profit association representing 400 long-term care organizations.

Twenty-five winners from Willow Brook Christian Communities earned ribbons – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, with some honorable mentions. The show, which featured hundreds of entries, was held June 21 in Mount Vernon, Ohio.

Those 25 winners will compete in the Statewide Art & Writing Show in Columbus Aug. 25-27 at the Hilton Easton.

Our winners took prizes for artwork, photography and written pieces (poetry, fiction and non-fiction). Our senior artists represented all three campuses:  Willow Brook Christian Village (WBCV) in Delaware, Willow Brook Christian Home (WBCH) in Worthington and Willow Brook at Delaware Run (WBDR) in Delaware.

The winners are:

Ellie Heingartner, WBCV, 1st place, Fine Arts 1

Bob Johnson, WBDR, 3rd place, Special Fine  Arts

Connie Smith, WBCH,  3rd place, 3D

Marcella Helgeson, WBCV, Honorable mention, 3D

Darlene Krumlauf, WBDR, 1st place, Fine Arts 2

Cherith Residents, WBCV, 3rd place, Special Cooperative

Residents, WBCH, 1st place, Cooperative Art

Residents, WBCH, 2nd place, Cooperative Art

Don Davis, WBDR, Honorable mention, Woodworking

Brenda Spradling, WBDR, 1st place, Jewelry

Irene Blaszkowiak, WBDR, 2nd place, Jewelry

Maria Roslan, WBDR, 2nd place, Large Quilt

Maria Roslan, WBDR, 3rd place, Small Quilt

Peg Simone, WBDR, 1st, Woven Arts

Irene Blaszkowiak, WBDR, Honorable mention, Needle Arts

Peg Simone, WBDR, 1st place, Wearable Arts

Joyce Stambaugh, WBCV, 1st place, Photography

Nancy Townley, WBDR, 3rd place, Photography

John Brinkerhoff, WBDR, 1st place, Poetry

George Alexander, WBDR, 2nd place, Non-Fiction

Christian Reimer, WBDR, 3rd place, Non-Fiction

Brenda Spradling, WBDR, Honorable mention, Non-Fiction

Marilyn Schroeder, WBDR, 2nd place, Fiction

John Brinkerhoff, WBDR, Honorable mention, Fiction


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