Saturday, August 18, 2018
The sale area features more than 2,500 square feet of resident-donated items, including groupings of indoor/outdoor furniture; kitchen cooking/serving/small appliances; glassware/china; and linens. Also toys/games/puzzles; costume jewelry; Christmas decs; framed art/wall hangings; collectors' items; and much more! Unsold items are donated to area charities.
The sale is sponsored by the Delaware Run Residents Association ( DRRA) as a fundraiser to support projects approved by WB residents. In recent years, funds have been used for automatic door openers for the handicapped, blood pressure cuffs, sewing machines, a portion of scholarship assistance for WB employees' education, and production of special entertainment events.
Willow Brook Christian Communities is a not-for-profit planned living community of three facilities in Delaware and Worthington, Ohio. WB is sponsored by the Churches of Christ and was founded in 1972. WB facilities provide independent, transitional, assisted living and memory care services to an approved capacity of 600 persons. The services include residential, health care and life enrichment opportunities through programs, activities and special events. Through its foundation and operating budget, WB supports its communities, including Alzheimer's Association, Source Point and the Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Garage Sale is located in Willow Brook at Delaware Run
100 Delaware Crossing W., Delaware, Ohio 43015
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