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Say Something Nice

Did you know that today is National Say Something Nice Day? Neither did we! But it is true, today, June 1, we are tasked with saying something nice in a world where nastiness toward one another has become increasingly (and disturbingly) common. Perhaps, like me, you remember your parents saying, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Has this admonition fallen out of favor, or are simply fewer people heeding this advice?

It is hard to know for sure because our parents did not have social media to contend with like we do. Certainly, social media has its positive points. However, it is easy to spout untruths, ugliness, and all the –isms when you can hide behind screen names and disappearing posts, peer pressure, and a “say it now, apologize later” attitude. Indeed, we act as if it is every person for themselves instead of understanding that we need community and that everything, and everyone, is connected.

So in the spirit of goodness and civility, won’t you please join us in celebrating National Say Something Nice Day? See the ideas listed below. Let’s set aside the negativity and commit to a healthier, more collegial way of interacting. 

Ideas for National Say Something Nice Day

  • Give a compliment
  • Thank someone 
  • Turn a complaint into a positive. For example, instead of telling your child, “You didn’t get all of your clothes off the floor like I asked,” say, “I appreciate your effort to clean your room.”
  • Tell someone that you love them
  • Forgive someone
  • Give your dog/cat/pet/farm animal a hug and tell them what they mean to you
  • Pay for the car behind you in the drive-thru line
  • Tell a co-worker or teammate that they are doing a great job and you appreciate them
  • Start a chain on social media. Leave a comment saying something nice and ask the reader to do the same.
  • Call a family member, friend, pastor, realtor, etc. and say something nice, just because
  • Notice and positively comment on someone’s new outfit, hairstyle, jewelry, etc.
  • Tell someone that the world is better because they are in it, or share with them how they have impacted your life
  • Leave a nice comment on the Willow Brook Facebook page or blog page!

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